Clutch your pearls - fashion. A spoonful of sugar - food. Raise your glasses - drink. Getting square eyes - television, the big screen. Singin' a song of sixpence - music.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

little things: the second (in which she reminisces about paris and the summer-that-wasn't)

Winter draws ever nearer, and as I wake up to ever darker mornings in a very cold flat, I look back on our rather non-existent summer with some longing. Yes, it never really quite manifested, and we Brits remarked upon our unusually wet and cold summer (and for us to even comment on it, well, it must be something) with our usual grumblings and put away our sun lotion with a sigh.

On the whole, I'm not remarkably fond of summer. Too many insects, the appearance of sweat (yuck) and my least favourite season for fashion. But this summer I was able to go on holiday with my closest three female cousins. It wasn't far all things considered, a mere hop across the Channel to the city of love - Paris. It was only for a week, but it was pretty perfect, and today I found myself wishing I was back there.

I am rather attached to Paris as a city.

There's no particular reason - no 'I fell in love here', no 'my biggest adventure in life happened here', no 'secret Francophile' (although one of these is actually true).

I just... love Paris. I've been to this city six times in my life, three times as educational visits, three as actual holidays, and each and every time has been a fond memory, a time of utter enjoyment and real pleasure. Of course, I understand that go holiday at a place is certainly not the same as living there - day-to-day life does not, as much as it ought to be, consist merely of strolling along cobbled streets, browsing through goods and wares, and sipping ca au lait outside and the world goes by. I am sure if I were to live there, the place would become quite as mundane as living in England is to me.

But Paris! Oh, the food, the buttery croissants, the soft pain au chocolat, their divine arrays of patisserie. The clothing, the draping, the folds, the fabric. The memories, the warmth and laughter, the giggling and glee, the excitement and the happiness of a day well spent.

Ooh la la!

Goodbye summer! It's been a very brief encounter this year, I hope to see a little more of you the next time you visit!

(But not too much.)


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